

Nov 20, 2013

Teen Romantic Poem

I do not know you well, but what I know
Enchants me, like a song sung far away.

I cannot hear the words, but what they say
Hangs softly on the hills where I must go.

I see you furtively and note your eyes,
Hazel and dreamy, your spirit half elsewhere;

I note the sheen of your dark, lustrous hair
And wish I knew your thoughts and shared your cries.

This love brings me sweet pain, but I want more,
Driven by a dream I can't control.

Teen Love sms

The first time I laid eyes on you
A seed was sown within me
Since then it has grown
Its creeping tendrils ensnaring my heart
Filling my head with thoughts of you
Now a fiery blossom is blooming

Teenage sms

A teenage girl's first crush is well crushing
Her body isn't hers' nor is her mind
She finds herself shivering' shaking' blushing
Weak, tormented' sick' and going blind
And why Because some guy might look her way

Teen Sweet Messages

Everyday I get more afraid
Of giving my heart away
Scared of what love will bring
Too nervous to hear the words you'll say
I find myself lost in you